Daily Archives: July 8, 2024

Etymotic GunsportPRO Earplugs, Electronic Hearing Protection Designed for

Etymotic GunsportPRO Earplugs, Electronic Hearing Protection Designed for.. Is an engineering-driven research, development and manufacturing company. The name’Etymotic’ pronounced’et-im-oh-tik. Means’true to the ear. Innovation, education and hearing conservation are central to Etymotic’s mission. High-Definition Electronic Hearing Protection For gun sport enthusiasts who need protection from firearm blasts, but also need protection from loud continuous noise from vehicles, machinery or repeated gunfire from nearby shooters. Responsive hearing protection in the field, at the range, or anywhere enhanced awareness, clear communication, and blast protection are needed. Gun Sport Enthusiasts Professional Shooters Hunters Instructors and Guides Gun Sport Enthusiasts Professional Shooters Hunters Instructors and Guides What makes the GunSport Pro different from other Hearing Protection Devices? GSP-15 are active hearing protection/enhancement devices (HPEDs). HPEDs use electronic circuitry to restore the situational awareness that is generally lost when the ear canal is obstructed. GunSport PROs provide the hearing protection you need while not compromising sound detection, localization, and clarity. What is adaptive attenuation? Think of’adaptive’ as being able to change with the environment. GunSport PRO earplugs contain circuitry that automatically adapt as sound levels change. When sound levels are safe, hearing is natural, as if nothing is in the ears. As the sound pressure level (SPL) increases, the circuitry gradually adjusts to protect from loud noises. Technology Inside GSP15 electronic earplugs use high-definition balanced-armature sound drivers, high-sensitivity microphones and specially developed signal processing. Hearing Enhancement Mode & Automatic Hearing Protection Mode Amplifies surrounding soft sounds up to 5X. Instantly Protects from blasts. Provides 15dB of automatic hearing protection when noise exceeds safe levels. Instantly protects from blasts. Blast protection for gun sport enthusiasts, professional shooters, guides and instructors, and hunters. Allows natural hearing when no background noise is present and gradually protect from loud noise from vehicles or machinery. At the flip of a switch sound is amplified, improving distance detection up to five times for enhanced awareness while at the same time protecting from blasts. Includes assorted eartips, filter removal tool and replacement filters, protective case, neck cord, and #10 Zinc Air batteries. Film, memory cards, filters, tapes, paper, bulbs, CD, DVDs, etc.